At the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, based on the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of Abai KazNPU a lecture by a visiting scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatization of Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, deputy director of the Institute of Corrective Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education Grinshkun Alexander was held on October 4, 2022. The topic of his lectures was «Immersive technologies in education».
After the lecture Alexander Grinshkun together with the Head of Chair of Informatics and Informatization of Education Oshanova N.T., Head of International Scientific Laboratory of ICT Bidaybekov E.Y. and the staff of this laboratory Revshenova M.I., Zhabaev E., Bedelov K. met with Director of Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Abaeva G.A. where they discussed several issues on digitalization of correct pedagogy and on future research projects.
The visiting scholar`s lectures for master`s and doctoral students of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics will be held on October 4-8, 2022.
All are welcome!